Removery: INK-nitiative Program

I managed the “INK team” which consisted of 5 project coordinators who helped with the onboarding client process. INK-nitiative would average around 100-200 applications per quarter. The program provided free tattoo removal for those who were formerly incarcerated, ex-gang members, human trafficked victims, were domestically abused, or had hate speech tattoos.

I managed the INK-nitiative webpage and interviewed each client who was selected for the onboarding process. Each applicant had to have an official advocate who could vouch for them, which is one reason why I emphasized partnering with organizations.

I partnered with organizations across the US, Canada, and Australia to provide this service to as many people in our communities as possible. We partnered with organizations from halfway homes, human trafficking support groups, radical reform groups, to rehabilitation organizations. It was my goal to partner with as many organizations to support local initiatives and help more people.

Managing the program included:

  • Project management.

  • Developed the program pipeline & rules.

  • Creating partnerships & MOUs

  • Interviewing & onboarding clients.

  • Managing the INK team.

  • Collecting the client’s testimonials for content platforms.

I also documented progress photos from each client and set up a completion process so we could track who completed their tattoo removal. In two years, we helped over 200+ clients in the program.

Below are some INK-nitiative articles I wrote that include client testimonials and partnering organizations.

Featured INK-nitiative blogs


Removery: Content Calander


SBSFTX: Project